Bookish travels will cause me to miss several significant events in the next couple of weeks. One such is an excellent-looking American Composers Orchestra program on Oct. 15: Claude Vivier's Lonely Child, Alvin Singleton's BluesKonzert, Jacob Druckman's Nor Spell Nor Charm, John Luther Adams's The Light Within (world premiere of the orchestral version), and Wang Jie's From the Other Sky. George Manahan, the new director of the ACO, is showing a real flair for programming. I'm also sad to miss, among other things, Harry Bicket and the English Concert at Carnegie's Weill Hall, with Alice Coote and Rachel Podger; Evan Ziporyn's House in Bali, at BAM Oct. 14-16; the awesome sound of Stile Antico at St. Mary the Virgin on Oct. 16 (Zachary Woolfe previews the show here); and an ICE survey of music by Matthias Pintscher at Miller Theatre on Oct. 21. And I can't see John Cage's Song Books and Lecture on Nothing tonight at Issue Project Room because I'll be at 192 Books. I'll stop yammering about this new book soon enough, but the time is not yet nigh.