Thaddeus Strassberger, who is directing the production of Schreker's Der ferne Klang that opens tomorrow at Bard, had considerable success with Meyerbeer's Les Huguenots in the same venue last summer. Zachary Woolfe, of the Capital site, talks to Strassberger about his ideas, which seem intriguing. I must say, though, that a major opportunity has been missed. With the Chelsea Clinton nuptials transpiring the following day in nearby Rhinebeck, wouldn't it have been far more timely and provocative to stage the opera in the period of the Clinton White House? To give you an idea of what such a Regie vision of the opera might have looked like, I have prepared a film montage to go along with the opening Vorspiel of the opera. All joking aside, we here at Noise wish all the best to the newlyweds.