Karlheinz Stockhausen would have celebrated his eightieth birthday last month. On the other side of the Altantic, the late avant-garde master is being honored with a slew of concerts, as you can see from the official Stockhausen calendar (click "concerts" for the pdf). There are big events this fall at the Berliner Festspiele, the Festival d'Automne in Paris, London's Southbank Centre, and Warsaw Autumn, among other venues. Over here, practically nothing — unless you live in Omaha, Nebraska. On September 12, the ARTSaha! festival will present an all-Stockhausen program that includes the American premiere of Cosmic Pulses, his final electronic piece. There'll be a live webcast at 7:30PM CDT. The trumpeter and composer Joseph Drew, who co-founded ARTSaha! and blogs at ANAblog, recently attended the Stockhausen summer institute in Kürten.