Part of the Listen to This Audio Guide
The Puyallup Fair, 1998.
The official website of the monumentally elusive Bob Dylan contains lyrics for close to five hundred songs, sound samples for more than fifty albums, a gallery of photos, and a smattering of videos. The leading source of Dylan-related news is Karl Erik Andersen's site Expecting Rain. BobLinks has set lists for some fifteen hundred shows since 1995. How Long Has It Been... tells you the last time Dylan played a given song. And so on—hundreds, if not thousands, of other Dylan sites exist.
A poster for Dylan's first high-profile New York show, in November 1961:
An ad for The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan :
The original album version of "A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall."
The great "Judas!" fracas, at the Manchester Free Trade Hall in 1966:
The beginning of the scalding version of "Like a Rolling Stone" that ensued:
From The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Bob Dylan Live 1966.
The beginning of "The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll":
From The Times They Are A-Changin'.
The street in Duluth, Minnesota, where Dylan lived as a small child:
The Duluth News-Tribune advertises Dylan's long-awaited return to the city of his birth. Highway 61 is in the background:
Railroad tracks near Hibbing, where Dylan grew up:
"Tangled Up in Blue," from 1974:
Different versions of the refrain of "Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands":
From Blonde on Blonde.
"Mama You Been on My Mind":
From The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3.
"Simple Twist of Fate," with Lorraine Hunt Lieberson singing Dido's Lament for comparison:
From Blood on the Tracks.
"Not Dark Yet":