Part of the Listen to This Audio Guide
The Malcolm X Shabazz High School Marching Band.
Hassan Ralph Williams, the longtime leader of the Shabazz band (pp. 226-28), standing amidst his charges at the Memorial Day Parade in Nutley, New Jersey:
A recent video of the Shabazz band in action:
The site for the Music for All Foundation has much useful information about the never-ending struggle to maintain music education in American public and private schools. The California Music Project has archived a copy of Music for All's alarming 2004 report, "Sound of Silence," on the drastic decline of music education in California (p. 230).
The remarkable Community MusicWorks organization in Rhode Island, which is the focus of the latter part of the chapter, has a well-stocked website. Among other things, you can read Sebastian Ruth's essay "Music and Social Justice." Maxine Green, a major inspiration for Ruth's conception of Community MusicWorks, has a website here. Here's a video about the organization and its core ensemble, the Providence String Quartet:
The members of the Providence Quartet outside their storefront headquarters:
The final minutes of a 2004 recording of the Brahms Piano Quintet by the Providence Quartet and Jonathan Biss (pp. 235-36):