For reasons of professional etiquette, I'd prefer not to comment on the news that New York magazine has let go of Peter G. Davis, who has been the classical critic there for twenty-six years. But I'd like to say that I've always admired the wise, calm force of Peter's writing, and, as a neighbor on the aisles, I cherish his vast experience and knowledge of the field. I do mean vast: when I told Peter I was going to write about Schreker's Die Gezeichneten, he started singing it to me. I can't wait to read his memoir, which, I trust, won't fail to include the famous Carnegie debut vomit anecdote.
On the same front, Henry Fogel has a piece of good news: the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has decided to retain the services of Pierre Ruhe, after earlier threatening to abolish his position as classical critic of the paper. Congratulations to the editors on making the wise choice. And enough about critics.