After writing about New York new music a couple of weeks ago, I've heard tell of several more ensembles and series based in the city, links to which have been added to my new music page.... The Newspeak ensemble plays tonight at Princeton, in a program including Judd Greenstein's What They Don't Like (For Chuck D), Samson Young's Efflorescentric Aftermath (Game Boy Music II), and David T. Little's sweet, light, crude. You can listen live at the Princeton music department website at 8PM.... Princeton seems a happening place these days, what with grad composers such as Little, Greenstein, Christopher Tignor, Miriama Young, Andrew McKenna Lee, and Gregory Spears, broad-minded elders such as Steven Mackey and Paul Lansky, electronic projects such as the Princeton Laptop Orchestra, and groundbreaking theoretical explorations by Dmitri Tymoczko (listen here as Tymoczko demonstrates how charming music can be concocted by imposing efficient voice-leading rules on a random collection of notes).... Tonic may be gone, but lively-sounding things are transpiring at The Tank, a space I've yet to visit. Amp Music is presenting a new-music series called Inflections. And this Saturday, Wet Ink plays with, er, Glissando bin Laden. Note also Tranzducer at Lemurplex in Brooklyn. And Roulette is back in action; this Thursday they host the Amsterdam-based, frequently recorded Barton Workshop.... The ICE Ensemble begins its epic nine-program assault on New York with a solo flute show tomorrow night at Galapagos, part of the Darmstadt series.... Kalamazoo's Opus 21 plays Saturday at Symphony Space, presenting premieres by Richard Adams, Anna Clyne, Mark Dancigers, Dennis DeSantis, and Bill Ryan. On Friday, John Adams conducts the American Composers Orchestra at Carnegie. Adams spricht: "The model of the composer as lonely outsider, the Schoenberg or the Adrian Leverkühn that Thomas Mann so vividly sketched, is not the ideal for me...." Lastly, Laurie Anderson plays at the Paris Bar at the National Arts Club on Saturday.