I noted some months ago, in an incisive bit of inside-the-Beltway reporting that was only belatedly picked up by the mainstream media, that Tom DeLay's alleged passion for opera did not bode well for his political future. Then the Washington Post revealed that Harriet Miers, the lavishly overqualified Supreme Court nominee, likes to go to the opera with "Condi and the other single girls." Now we have this tidbit from Robert Bork: "It is said that at La Scala an exhausted tenor, after responding to repeated cries of 'Encore,' said he could not go on. A man rose in the audience to say, 'You'll keep singing until you get it right.' That man should be our model." Too bad Washington Opera doesn't have on an up-to-date production of Götterdämmerung for all these opera buffs to enjoy. It does have Rheingold coming up in March — the one in which the gods finance selfish schemes by bilking others. Speaking of operatic Condi, Corey Dargel has written a song cycle based on the Secretary of State's speeches, which Eleanor Taylor and Jocelyn Dueck will perform at Saint Peter's on Oct. 25.
Photo credit: Harris County Sheriff's Office.